Sunday 27 February 2011

Weekend oh the Weekend

weekend over again... another Birthday gone... another year older.... grrr
it was an ok birthday, my back is settling down.... in fact had to jog about a km to get to the bus today and it was ok... esp in 32 deg heat.... The scales have been kind for a change... though I am not going to weigh until wednesday - by then I will hopefully have undone all the damage that I did over the weekend.... I felt rather guilty...
Took a bit of licence it being my birthday and all and felt hung over from the crappy food.... never again!!!

It is rather interesting how fast your body gets used to the better food and doesnt feel so good when you fill it with crappy food. it is quite literally like a hang over.

Anyways today is a new week....1st of March in fact and things will be back to normal - no more weekend junk fests!


Saturday 26 February 2011


well the rest of the week was brilliant for food.... Did a decent personal training session on Wednesday and then thursday and yesterday were a right off for exercise becuase my back decided it had, had enough. It has been threatening for a little while... but by thursday it was decently tight and causing me enough discomfort that it was too painful to walk. Ok so Tuesday wasn't great either, but it was worse than that on Thursday...
and yes I know excuses, excuses... I managed to get an appointment with my fave massage therapist and managed to get some of the problem fixed.... it did hurt and some bits were just ridiculously painful, but all in all, it was a major improvement on my previous position. I went and saw the therapist that I work with on Friday for some further work, which has been great, has managed to settle it down to a comfortable ache... it will settle soon!

Food - the food on the plan has been really good. Today is the first day that I haven't followed the plan almost exactly, I had to modify lunch as I managed to end up busy doing other stuff. So it turned out to be a turkey and cranberry mountain bread wrap at just after 3pm... yes I was rather hungry by that point, and yes was rather happy to get some decent food in my tummy.

I have to admit I am tired today.... and a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of study I have this year... it is going to be tight to get it all done, but by some sort of miracle I will get it all done and submitted and call myself a Remedial Massage Therapist and Fitness instructor.... Yep big job but someone has to do it!

Cherio for now

Monday 21 February 2011


Mid afternoon Tuesday.... I have eaten as per plan!! yipeee but have a marvelously sore back and have been able to do nothing of anything... I am wondering how much work I will be able to do tonight without really suffering. I have a massage tomorrow so that should help to sort it all out. I hope.... So much for day 2 exercise, oh well I have to accept that setbacks will occur and that I just have to get up and get on with it once the problem has gone away!

Got my second study block through for my distance education YAY... scary but... that with my tafe is going to be hard going but definately worth the time and effort... some of the subjects do look rather exciting... some of them a little daunting. But they should be ok, I should be able to nail the massage ones in the first few months and then work my way through the rest... Lightening speed I have 10 months to complete 18 subjects... 1.8 subjects per month... could be tricky... but do able none the less...

Till tomorrow...
hopefully the back will be back to 100% hehe....

21st February 2011

Day one over.... I made it through, the food today was amazing... however the exercise front was not. I had planned throughout the day several times to exercise... several times to get to the gym room upstairs and do my exercise and each time I managed to find something else that I was supposed to be doing... DAY 1 and I have already used excuses to get away with not doing my exercise. That is BAD BAD BAD. I won't be doing that tomorrow and have worked out that the best time to do my exercise is in the morning, before all the rest of the days activities get in the way.

It was a good day though, Work was still exhausting like normal, more mentally than anything... sometimes it seems to do that too me. I doubt myself I wonder if I am doing the right thing, If I am actually good at what I do.

Well tomorrow no excuses I am going to do my exercise in the morning before my classes and get it done! then I can't find excuses not to do it again in the afternoon!

Sunday 20 February 2011

21st of February 2011

Today is the first day of the Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation....
This is round 4 for me... the previous rounds were well.... less than desired... the first round... bumpy start was in Singapore, got going and got some really impressive results... Round 2, slipped over in the middle of the street in Perth and damaged my left knee.... Ended up on crutches and some decent rehab later meant the end of round 2... Round 3 was doing really well... Week 3 Calf tear... quite a decent one... re tore it 3 times... me bad.. being a bit too ambitious to get back to doing exercise... ended up on crutches not a good outcome... won't ever go jumping on bubble wrap for my dog... SO Round 4 should be a success... I have set myself up for success, cleaned out the fridge, set up my home gym... and got my mental state in the right place... I think I have spent the last year finding out where and what I don't want to be... this year, this year is the end of a few things that I have been working at for a long time and the beginning of some really cool new things... This is my Journey... I hope in some small way this might inspire other people to step outside their comfort zone and start to live their lives the way that they want too, not how others think that they should!